Jul 22, 2008

Batch Day!!!

Hi Buddies,

It has been 6 yrs now, same day when we joined TCE for our UG in 2002.

Cherishing memories,

Class room sleep (which I miss now, very badly)
Sem Exams
Batch Day Celebrations
etc.. etc...

All do stay in touch!

- Arun

Mar 5, 2008

Time for a Get-to-Gather

Hi all, its time for a Get-to-Gather(GTG) on 1st May 2008 in Madurai after our under-graduation, 2 long years back. Let us all try to make our presence where we get a chance to see the faces after 2 years. Have attached the snap taken at the end of our 1st GTG to remind those moments and mainly to show the count. So, all of us must make our presence for a great occasion to share the happenings in the 2 yrs and obviously our future plans. Please plan for this occasion well in advance. Let us all meet up there.

Occasion: Get-to-Gather of Mectianz 2006

Date: 01-MAY-2008


Place: Madurai

Mar 4, 2008

Karthi's Blog: Telugu - derivative of Tamil

Karthi's Blog: Telugu - derivative of Tamil

Feb 27, 2008

Right Time!

Dear Mectianz,
Hope all of you are doing good :-)
Good intiative from Mr.Karthikeyan :-)
And it will be great if everyone of us take part and share the knowledge in this forum "Mectianz".
As a initiative I have uploaded all the photos of our college life. Please have a look and travel back to our memorable college days.
Here is the link

Folks lets all be unite

Feb 5, 2008

Our Site History

Vignesh blog was good which took me back to our classy days.Our Mectianz page has been visited totally by 20 visitors all around the world.Among these 8 are unique visitors.The distribution is like 19 visit from India and one is from USA.Interestingly the visit from US came from the city Palo Alto.The person stayed in the site for 00:02:58 (HH:MM:SS).

Among the  19 visits from India 8 are from Mumbai.The contributors may be me,Gary and Sambi(An important fact --Sambi is a professional blogger now :))There are 6 visitors from Chennai ,out of which Vignesh, Muthu, Mahesh and KC are there.We got three from Blore and interestingly two from Delhi.We can track the minute traffic details of our site like

  • Network properties
  • ISP provider
  • Area/City/State/Country
  • Source though which the visitor reached the site
  • Landed Page( with time in the site)
  • Browser capabilities
  • Traffic sources

Even I can say that system from US has Windows OS and IE6.0 browser.In to the depth I found the system's Java version.Additional data like flash version,Screen resolution of the PC etc.Its really unbelievable !

 I got all these data about our site from the amazing tool of Google called Google Analytics.As the name indicates its a tool for analytical/statistical data collection for your site.It has been given free of cost by Google to all users.All we need to have is a Google account for using this Analytics.The tool will give you a snippet code(java script) and we need to paste the script on our site/Blogs HTML code.Then the Google Analytics will receive all the data I have mentioned above from the site and consolidate it in to a presentable format,Finally it will be presented to you in a legitimate and graphical format.

So we can control and track our site from a simple interface called Google Analytics.If you guys want to use this go to Analytics then register your account with your old gmail id then you can explore the tool. 

There are lots and lots of other interesting and useful tool that will give you data,market your site , create revenue,share your photos and sharing presentation and docs online at click of a button which are provided by Google.I use to write something about each Google tool now and then.You can out check My Blog

Feb 4, 2008

Great mectianz!!! what are you doing now?

Since summer started in India, take Cool greets from my side....

Kudos for Karthi for starting the blog... :) Special thanks 2 muthu for contributing ...
I hope this 2 be first blogspot for Mectianz & first blog mysde....

Just rewind for 2 years & go to February '06.. We Mectiannz were in Final semester of mechatronics Engg. Enjoying a lot as we all got through reputed, well known (etc etc) companies (I hope some will laugh after reading well known reputed ..)....

Beyond that some where busy with Final year projects... During project hours some sincerely worked in Microcontroller & Electronics Labs, Some in Workshop, some worked in Solar laboratory rigorously:) (For others, please forgive for not mentioning ur laboratory or the shop from where u got the project) & also we all worked 2gether in TCE play ground for a project called "CRICKET".

First half of 2006 went on as i said above.. we all sat for semester exms & some have managed to clear all the papers... By the June' 06, every one in mood of joining the companies in which they got thr' & earn.... In the meantime we arranged for a party ourselves in in Madurai "GERMANUS"... We all too sentimental there & sum even cried... we all promised that we ll cum for get 2gethers & keep n touch with mails & so on so..... :)

to be contd...

Feb 2, 2008

The Right Platform - Utilize it

Great Job Mr.Karthi, Finally you've done something which will keep our Invincible network(Mectianz) in touch forever....

So guys Karthi has created a platform and now its our job to Keep this alive and keep going...

Just share your thoughts, share ur experiences... If anyone's in need of something just put it here and our guys are there to help u out
And Guys please keep updating abt yourself, abt ur current job,studies etc etc....

Long live Mectianz...

Keep going as far as you can....

Guys i just looked for a Group pic where in all mechtianz are there, but its all in mdu... So i had selected this one...

Feb 1, 2008

Got response !!

It's great to see response from Mectianz from all over the world in their tight schedule.I saw some five or six guys have visited this site and Ramanathan begin with a typical "if at all" comment :)(I will come back to you later)

Shankar has been expected to write a blog  soon.I talked to Arun from B'lore as he was preparing for some exam so he couldn't spend time in writing Blog.Karthik has visited the site but no response from him.Mahesh had responded to my mail and seems to be enthusiastic about blogging ,he was accompanied by KC.Vignesh has visited the site.(he is as usual conformance to requirement spec)Muthu has been expected to contribute.We are expecting blog from Rams our etymologist.

we can blog by simply writing mail to a predefined mail id.Subject of the mail will be the the Topic of the Blog and contents will be the body.I have mailed  the mail id to all.

  • Please Don't share the mail id with anyone
  • Avoid using your official Id to send/mail Blog .

As Ramanathan said we can use this blog for sharing photos or having address list or job position.But all our data will be in Google server.So it will be better if we can have a separate domain for us like mectianz.com.We can get a domain from Google for $10.But it need a lot of time to maintain and track the site.I found it difficult to spend more time in the same.So as of now we continue in the same and probably we can migrate the data to our domain once we get our domain ready.

Start Blogging !

Jan 26, 2008

Requesting you Gentlemen !

Hi Mectianz,

        Hope you guys are doing good where ever you are.I take this First Blog opportunity to address a concern.When we were in final year of out college we were talking about get-togethers and starting company ..... and a lot.But the situation is different.No one knows what each of our friends are doing and there is no contacts between we guys ....no mail or calls.

 We can use this Blog as a place to share our thoughts and opinions, messages ,photos,discussions and what not....?So guys start blogging It may be your

  • Learning of the day
  • A message to share with our friends
  • Comment on Indian Team's atrocious performance
  • A Nice Blog about Indian managers
  • Your location update
  • About with your last visit to a place (with photos))
  • Advice
  • About you New Job/Friend

We can comment on what people are writing on this blog.I expect this to be a great fun like Gary(Kannadi) mocking at Economics or imitating like Bhaskaran or entire class mocking at KC.I have sent invitation to all the gmail ids i know.All you need to do is click the link in the invitation and start blogging.

I want this Blog to be imbibed with fun,messages , photos ...... :).

More links to Learn about blogging

