Jan 26, 2008

Requesting you Gentlemen !

Hi Mectianz,

        Hope you guys are doing good where ever you are.I take this First Blog opportunity to address a concern.When we were in final year of out college we were talking about get-togethers and starting company ..... and a lot.But the situation is different.No one knows what each of our friends are doing and there is no contacts between we guys ....no mail or calls.

 We can use this Blog as a place to share our thoughts and opinions, messages ,photos,discussions and what not....?So guys start blogging It may be your

  • Learning of the day
  • A message to share with our friends
  • Comment on Indian Team's atrocious performance
  • A Nice Blog about Indian managers
  • Your location update
  • About with your last visit to a place (with photos))
  • Advice
  • About you New Job/Friend

We can comment on what people are writing on this blog.I expect this to be a great fun like Gary(Kannadi) mocking at Economics or imitating like Bhaskaran or entire class mocking at KC.I have sent invitation to all the gmail ids i know.All you need to do is click the link in the invitation and start blogging.

I want this Blog to be imbibed with fun,messages , photos ...... :).

More links to Learn about blogging




Ramanathan said...

Mr.Karthikeyan ...

Gud Initiative ... Don't worry ... the "mectianz" company idea may come alive anytime ...

I'm checking out ur blog page jus now ... quite interesting ... hadn't know that u run such a page for all this long :( !!!

well ... i don't know how to add new posts in here ... so, i have jus commented ... is it possible to have a database kinda thing within this blog to maintain the current address, permenant address, contact nos., job positions etc. of all of us ...

throw some light on this plz ...

wud like to chip in if any help is needed from my side ... Rama