Feb 1, 2008

Got response !!

It's great to see response from Mectianz from all over the world in their tight schedule.I saw some five or six guys have visited this site and Ramanathan begin with a typical "if at all" comment :)(I will come back to you later)

Shankar has been expected to write a blog  soon.I talked to Arun from B'lore as he was preparing for some exam so he couldn't spend time in writing Blog.Karthik has visited the site but no response from him.Mahesh had responded to my mail and seems to be enthusiastic about blogging ,he was accompanied by KC.Vignesh has visited the site.(he is as usual conformance to requirement spec)Muthu has been expected to contribute.We are expecting blog from Rams our etymologist.

we can blog by simply writing mail to a predefined mail id.Subject of the mail will be the the Topic of the Blog and contents will be the body.I have mailed  the mail id to all.

  • Please Don't share the mail id with anyone
  • Avoid using your official Id to send/mail Blog .

As Ramanathan said we can use this blog for sharing photos or having address list or job position.But all our data will be in Google server.So it will be better if we can have a separate domain for us like mectianz.com.We can get a domain from Google for $10.But it need a lot of time to maintain and track the site.I found it difficult to spend more time in the same.So as of now we continue in the same and probably we can migrate the data to our domain once we get our domain ready.

Start Blogging !